Why Development Should be on the G20 Agenda

Adil Najam

The G20 – first at the Finance Minister’s level and more recently at the leaders level – was born in times of financial crisis. But its very perceived success as a ‘crisis management syndicate’ has brought calls for the G20 to become a possible successor to the G8. With the last G20 summit in Korea, the next one in France and the following one in Mexico, the G20 Summits are in the process of becoming substantively formalized and routinized. But this formalization also raises many new question – importantly, about the future agendas for the G20.  An eminent set of experts, diplomats and political leaders gathered at a conference to discuss these very question.

In this video, Triple Crisis blogger Prof. Adil Najam of Boston University’s Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future and one of the participants at the conference discusses what role the G20 can play in enabling a new global architecture for climate change governance and why development should be at the core of G20’s concerns. (More details of the conference here).

May 13, 2011 | Posted in: Videos | Comments Closed

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