Recent and forthcoming titles:
- Current Economic Issues, 25th edition
Edited by Ed Ford, Elizabeth T. Henderson, Bryan Snyder, and the D&S Collective. July 2021. - Real World Globalization, 20th edition
Edited by Elizabeth T. Henderson, Arthur MacEwan, Jawied Nawabi, Abhilasha Srivastava, and the D&S Collective. December 2021.
- Real World Micro, 29th edition. June 2022.
- Real World Macro, 39th edition. June 2022.
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Dollars & Sense publishes textbooks and anthologies that present accessible analysis of current issues, placing academic theories in their real-world context, questioning the assumptions of mainstream economics, and empowering people to think about alternatives to the prevailing system.
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textbooks become more conservative and less topical, I find that
Dollars & Sense readers are more useful than ever in my
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—ROBIN HAHNEL, American University
“I have been using Dollars & Sense publications for
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clear and relevant articles open many students’ eyes and cause others
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—GEORGE JOUGANATOS, California State University–Sacramento
The Coronavirus Crisis Reader, 2nd ed.,
August 2021. ISBN 978-1-939402-55-4, $16.95 (154 pp.).
The Coronavirus Crisis Reader, 2nd ed., is an essential guide to the economics of the Covid-19 pandemic. The anthology provides highly accessible analyses of the origins and contours of the crisis; work, wages, and unemployment during the pandemic; and global and policy responses to the crisis.
Editors: Gerald Friedman, Elizabeth T. Henderson, Abhilasha Srivastava, Chris Sturr, and the D&S Collective.
Current Economic Issues,
25th edition, December 2021. ISBN 978-1-939402-56-1, $36.95 (311 pp.).
This lively anthology covers key controversies about the U.S. and world economies today—the coronavirus crisis and beyond; inflation; turmoil in the job market; social programs; the environment; labor and unions; gender, race, and class; economic inequality; and migration.
Editors: James Cypher, Rob Larson, Chris Sturr, and the D&S Collective.
Real World Globalization, 20th edition, December 2021. ISBN
$37.95 (384 pp.).
Real World Globalization is an accessible, jargon-free introduction to international trade and investment, finance, international institutions, labor in the global economy, migration, economic development, and the global environment.
Editors: Elizabeth T. Henderson, Arthur MacEwan, Jawied Nawabi, Abhilasha Srivastava, and the D&S Collective.
Costs of Empire, December 2018. ISBN
$16.95 (134 pp.).
Costs of Empire compiles articles that ran in the pages of Dollars & Sense magazine as part of a project that sought to highlight issues, critical to our present and future, explaining the shape of the capitalist world economy today, including the roles of international financial institutions (IFIs), the reshaping of the world economy through trade-and-investment agreements, the distribution of income and wealth (and power) worldwide, and the unequal distribution of the costs and benefits of environmental degradation.
Editors: Alejandro Reuss, Chris Sturr, and the D&S Collective.
Imperiled Economies 2018: An URPE Reader, December 2017. ISBN
$39.95 (160 pp.).
Imperiled Economies 2018 is a new collection of vital writings on economic growth and crises, economic policy, climate change, and alternative political-economic structures.
Editors: Paul Cooney, Ann Davis, Julio Huato, Paddy Quick, Geoffrey Schneider, Ramaa Vasudevan, and Matias Vernengo.
Real World Micro, 29th edition, June 2022. ISBN 978-1-939402-62-2,
$42.50 (356 pp.).
Standard microeconomics textbooks depict a tidy world of free markets producing the best outcomes for everyone. Real World Micro confronts neoclassical theory with a messier reality in which disparities of wealth, power, and organization shape the economy, and benefit some groups at others’ expense.
Editors: Armağan Gezici, Rob Larson, Bryan Snyder, Chris Sturr, and the D&S Collective.
Real World Macro, 39th edition, June 2022. ISBN 978-1-939402-61-5,
$42.50 (358 pp.).
Our perennial bestseller asks the questions that standard textbooks largely neglect: What’s so great about growth? Is unemployment “natural”? What determines stock prices? Real World Macro addresses timely topics such as inflation, deficits, the Great Resignation, tax policy, the Federal Reserve, savings, and increasing inequality.
Editors: Ed Ford, Elizabeth T. Henderson, Luis Rosero, Bryan Snyder, and the D&S Collective.
The Wealth Inequality Reader, 4th edition, December 2012. ISBN:
978-1-939402-00-4, $35.95.
The Wealth Inequality Reader explores the hidden realities of wealth stratification, its causes and consequences, and possible strategies for change. The 4th edition features the latest statistics on wealth and poverty in the U.S. and globally, and analysis of the role of wealth inequality in the current economic crisis.
Editors: Linda Pinkow, Sam Pizzigati, and the Dollars & Sense Collective, with a new preface by Chuck Collins.
The Economics of the Environment, 3rd edition, June 2015. ISBN:
978-1-939402-15-8, $34.95.
The Economics of the Environment is a lively, thought-provoking supplement designed for courses in environmental or resource economics. This new anthology tackles the issues of environmental destruction and resource depletion that mainstream economics—and mainstream texts—fail to address adequately.
Editors: Alejandro Reuss, Bryan Snyder, Chris Sturr, and the Dollars & Sense Collective.
Labor and the Global Economy, by Alejandro Reuss.
January 2013. ISBN 978-1-939402-02-8, $35.95 (195 pp.).
Labor and the Global Economy is a concise text on the essentials of labor, globalization, international trade and investment, economic development, and challenges to the current "globalization from above." An ideal companion to the classic D&S anthology, Real World Globalization.
Our Economic Well-Being, edited by the Dollars & Sense collective ISBN 978-1-939402-29-5,
$24.95 (192 pp.).
In 2014, members of the congregation of the Bay Ridge United Methodist Church took out a half-page ad in the New York Times, posing a question and a challenge—how can we explain changes in economic well-being in the United States, especially the broad differences between the post-World War II era, from the late 1940s to the early 1970s, compared to the era since the early ’70s? This edited volume is a response to this question from the editorial collective of Dollars & Sense.
Unlevel Playing Fields: Understanding Wage Inequality and Discrimination,
by Randy Albelda and Robert Drago. 4th edition, August 2013. ISBN 978-1-939402-05-9, $36.95 (193 pp.).
Unlevel Playing Fields explores the persistence of labor-market inequality and discrimination against black people and women, by presenting two contrasting economic theories—neoclassical and political economy—and showing how each theory explains inequality in wages, employment levels, and the distribution of jobs. The thoroughly updated third edition features more than 50 years of employment trends and data. Each chapter includes discussion questions and suggestions for further reading. A thorough, accessible introduction to labor-market theory.
Real World Labor, 3rd edition, June 2016. ISBN:
978-1-939402-25-7, $34.95 (400 pp.).
In this time of rapid economic change, the power of organized labor seems to be in decline. But new organizing strategies are emerging to challenge corporate power and the globalization of capital. The 3rd edition of Real World Labor examines the most pressing issues facing workers and unions today.
The Economic Crisis Reader, 2nd edition, November 2010. ISBN
$34.95 (411 pp.).
The second edition of The Economic Crisis Reader features the latest news and analysis of the causes, consequences, and possible ways out of the ongoing economic crisis, including the financial meltdown, Fed policy, stimulus and deficits, housing, unemployment, global dimensions, and much more. Editors: Gerald Friedman, Fred Moseley, Chris Sturr, and the D&S Collective.
Real World Banking & Finance, 8th edition, July 2022. ISBN 978-1-939402-63-9, $40.50.
This clearly-written anthology helps students grasp the basics of money and monetary policy, the banking and finance industry, and financial markets, while also covering the burning issues of the global financial crisis, mortgages and other consumer-debt issues, pensions and Social Security, and proposals for reform and alternative institutions. Editors: Bill Barclay, Doug Orr, Mechthild Schrooten, Chris Sturr, John Summa, and the D&S Collective.
Introduction to Political Economy, by Charles Sackrey, Geoffrey Schneider, and Janet
8th edition, July 2016. ISBN 978-1-939402-26-4, $36.95 (300 pp.).
Introduction to Political Economy presents the history of economic thought through the work of the most influential economists of modern times, including Smith, Marx, Veblen, Keynes, Galbraith, and others. The new edition is thoroughly revised and updated with real-world examples of how these theories are related to current economic issues.
Real World Latin America, 2nd edition, November 2013. ISBN:
978-1-939402-11-0, $35.95 (313 pp.).
A thorough introduction to the political and economic realities of Latin American today, drawn from the pages of Dollars & Sense and the acclaimed NACLA Report on the Americas. The articles in this all-new anthology cover the shifts in economic policy region-wide, Latin American countries' varied relationships to the global economy, the dilemmas of economic development and environmental sustainability, power and conflict both within and between countries, and the past, present, and future of resistance and rebellion.
Striking a Balance, January 2007. ISBN:
978-1-878585-62-2, $18.95 (182 pp.).
Economist Robert Drago analyzes relevant research from a range of academic disciplines, including findings from his own studies, to construct a unique vision of the meaning of work-life balance. Striking a Balance: Work, Family, Life examines the deeply held but unexamined beliefs about work, womanhood, and society that are responsible for our out-of-balance lives.
Foreword by Juliet Schor, author of The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure.